Bleach is one of the best fighting animes I've ever seen as well as in naruto it is ongoing and it has more than 300 episodes today, the anime in centered on the idea that there is the world, hell, Hueco Mundo (limbo), and soul society (something more or less like an after life. not even close to heaven) so after you understand this than they speak about the roles, its soul reapers ( one whose role is to transport souls from the world into soul society or into hell), hollows (one whose soul has become evil do to the pain of loosing his heart after death), and arrancars ( hollows who eat other hollows until they become something else something more powerful), the story evolves around a teenager called ichigo who turns out to have some kind of special abilities to sense the abnormal, after encountering with a soul reaper that was fighting a hollow he gets her powers in order to help her defeat it. To make the long story short ichigo learns that what he likes and what he lives for is to protect the people that he loves thus beggining a journey into soul society, Hueco Mundo, and possibly later on into hell towards a place were no normal man has even dreamed about. The story is very interesting, the fighting and training even better, as the story develops it becomes really hard to stop. (Fillers are horrible)

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