As I always say before looking too far away we first need to look around us to find out that we are surrounded by the best. I havent been too far away, the farthest has been New York but so far the best place I can recommend for a nice vacation is close by Im speaking about Samana, its beautiful, has many places ranging from rivers, with cascades to beautiful beaches. When I went to Samana here in Dominican Republic my family, friends, girlfriend, and family friends were not staying in a huge 5 star resort, we rented 3 houses and stayed there in a very quite neighborhood close to the seafront, The view was very nice from there, more over there was a lot of activity in the night, many places are beautiful and have high entertainment opportunities during the day but as soon as the night starts everyone can have dinner and than go watch tv cause there is nothing else to do, so thats a high difference btween Samana and other places. Furthermore places like El Salto El limon, the beaches rincon, and cayo levantado are just places you have to visit, when I went there my family decided that staying on a resort would be pointless since what we wanted to do was to go to all these places and have fun there, sometimes when you go to a resort you stay inside and just enjoy the resort, we decided that for the trip we just wanted to get to know what Samana was all about and we really got to see it. I would recommend this trip to anyone that enjoys the beautiful and peaceful, but also the fun and constant movement since there are places for every taste there. As soon as I get to remember Samana I remember an old saying that says, a place is just as good as the people you find there, so no matter where you go for vacations remember to go with the people you know you'll have the best time with.

I am with you, this is the best place to spend your vacation ... especially when you go with funny people !! are unforgettable vacation. !! :D