Here are the 5 companies:
One of the best I'd say,
The company does a lot on the internet, from advertising its brand on social pages to informing people about new discounts and trends happenning in their restaurants. The company has been operating for some time now and has done great on the task of gaining a presence on social web pages. The company is also exploring new markets which dominicans are not used to with the social web page of gowalla where people "check in" to tell their friends where they are, in other markets such as the U.S this is not new but here just a few business have an account in gowalla so that their customers can tell everyone where they are and when they got there any time. This company has been successful by creating an image of being truly dominican with phrases like " YOKOMO E'NAMORAO", "YOKOMO SUSHI APLATANAO" which on their social pages seem to really bring people together to eat at their business.
Social Pages where you can reach YOKOMO:

I have personal experience with vimenpaq. The company has a great customer service, its a pioneer in Dom. Rep. on bringing P.O box packages and has been doing great at it. The company has twitter where it informs people about new specials, gifts, opportunities that their company is offering. The company has developed some kind of customer service on facebook do to its fast response to comments on the web page, on their wall you will see comments, specials, complaining people and vimenpaq's comments to the complaint, you will see the company asking for P.O box number to assist the person (it is a really busy wall), the company also has a blog where they approach in more detail there twitts and although it doesn't have linked in or behance like yokomo it does such a great job at listening, analyzing, and influencing its customers that i had to put it on my top 5.
Social Pages where you can reach Vimenpaq:
It is a small company with three locals, but although small the company does a great job at social advertisment and client orientation, although its only known by people that actually play games the company has great online customer service and although most of the good stuff is on their web page they have acquired a good social presence, the company has a little more than only 500 followers on facebook, has no twitter but created a forum, in their forum they answer questions about new games post comments and actually get to interact with their customers.
Social pages where you an reach Power Games:

Orange Dominicana is a mobile company that provides both retail of cellphones and the service of actually being able to communicate with that cellphone, the company in the time that it has been around has achieved a lot since when it started its biggest competitor was basically a monopoly. the comapny has achieved great presence on social networks such as facebook with more than 118,000 followers and twitter with more than 23,000 followers. The company has a profile where as well has many contacts in linkedin, and has a blog where it basically provides information to its customers about new services, plans, and offers. Orange Dominicana has truly achieved presence in the social sites and that is why for me its one of the highest ranked.
Social Pages where you can reach orange Dominicana:

Last but not least unibe, most of us look outside to search for what we need but inside our range of sight their are many great things that we can find, I attend UNIBE virtually every business day and can say that it has a very strong social network on the internet. UNIBE has facebook with more than 1800 followers, has a twitter account with more than 2000 followers, created a place more or less like blogger, where students can create their own blogs and access those of unibe. The university has made a lot of progress in the short time it has advertising its way through social media, the university makes it possible for students to know what is going on, to know about every event, any new facilities and much more ranging from solutions to common issues, to new issues or news arriving in.
Social Pages where you can reach UNIBE:
Interesting! I never thought of Yokomo but now that you mention it it's true!